Types of Breeders
There are different types of breeders and places that sell puppies. Read
below if you would like to know which breeder you should buy from.

Reputable Breeders
This is the best place to get a pup. Read below to see why.
Know details about their chosen breed.
They screen for genetic diseases known to affect that breed, maintain veterinary and
breeding records.
A Reputable breeder will tell you the BAD points as well as the good points about that
Will provide quality care for the dogs they own.
Will allow you to see where their dogs live and the kind of care they are given.
They are not out to make a buck; they are out to find fabulous homes first!
They offer a written health guarantee with each puppy they sell.
Are always available to offer help and advice to their new puppy owners.
Will assist in the finding of a new home, if you are no longer able to care for your
Usually belong to a local or national breed club, and they always breed their dogs with
the thought of improving their line.

Backyard Breeders
Most of these breeders do not know much about the breed standard, and don't necessarily
breed for better dogs.
Puppies from this kind of breeder are usually the result of breeding their pet quality
dog to the next door neighbor's pet quality dog because it was the same breed, AKC
registered and available.
No thought is given to the puppy's health, genetic makeup or temperament.
Usually, do not screen where their puppies go or keep track of them throughout their
Are convinced that his or her breed is right for anyone.
Usually do not check for genetic diseases known to their breed.
Usually breed to make quick buck.
Allow the pups to leave as soon as possible.
You will usually see this type of breeder in your local newspaper. Some Reputable
Breeders also use the newspaper, but you will usually see (hips OFA good, Parents
Champions, Show and Pet pups available, etc.). DONT BE FOOLED by "Champion
Pedigree". Just because a dog way back in the pedigree is a champion, doesn't mean
that pup is show quality or even healthy! There are plenty of Champions with bad hips and
eyes. Do your homework!!
Puppy Mills
Puppy mill is a term used to describe a place that produces mass quantities of dogs, be
they the same breed or different. Typical Puppy Mills are as follows:
- The pens, cages, structures the dogs are kept in are usually substandard and dirty,
although this may not always be the case.
- The dogs themselves are usually bred every season, no matter what.
- Puppies born and raised in puppy mills do not usually get the veterinary care and proper
feeding they need, which could lead to problems later in life.
- Puppies raised in puppy mills have not been properly socialized and are usually sold in
high volumes to pet shops for quick cash profits at the age of 4 weeks or sometimes
- No genetic testing is done.
- They usually do not sell to the general public. Only to dog brokers, pet shops, dog
auctions, etc. If they do sell to the everyday person, they will not usually allow you to
visit the kennel!
Most of these puppies will have multiple health and behavior problems later in life
because of the lack of socialization, proper genetic testing and veterinary care.
Pet Shops
This may sound like a good place to buy a puppy, but it's not. Reasons below:
- Pet shops do offer guarantees, which sound very good to the buyer. However, you must
realize that most genetic diseases found in dogs do NOT show up until the animal is over a
year old. You're out of luck with a pet shop!
- Most pet shops buy their puppies from puppy mills at a very young age, before the pups
have been properly socialized. This is why many pet store bought puppies have illnesses or
behavior problems.
- Pet shops buy their puppies cheap, and sell them fast at markups of 400 percent and
more. They are in it for the sale, not the well being of the puppy.
- Pet shops offer "creative financing" which sounds nice to the buyer. HOWEVER,
a pet is a living thing, not something that should be financed. Also, you may be able to
buy a show quality puppy from a breeder for the same price as the pet shops sell their
- Fuzzy puppy syndrome. Pet shops live off this. They want you to come in and hold that
ball of fur, fall in love, and impulse buy! DONT FALL FOR THE FUZZY PUPPY SYNDROM!! Go
home, to a bookstore, or library and research that breed! Find yourself a good breeder. It
will save you tons of heartache.
One small note. All of these places sell AKC or UKC registered puppies. Just because a
puppy is registered does NOT make it breeding quality! AKC and UKC are only organizations
that confirm the dog is of pure blood. They do not, nor are they supposed to, decide
whether a dog should be bred. Please do not think because a dog is registered it is of
breeding quality!

Finially, you should NEVER rush out and buy a dog. Do your homework. Decide a few
things first.
- Do you even need a dog?
- Should you get an adult or a puppy?
- Research different breeds and decide which one you think would fit best into your home.
- Find a breeder (if you are reading this, you are halfway there! The net is a wonderful
place to research your breed and find a reputable breeder near you!).
- Finally, visit several breeders and see if that breed and that breeder are right for
Good Luck